At our school we celebrate our faith diversity and provide a safe environment where our children are happy to learn. We are kind, caring and respectful to others. We aim to inspire future generations of our school and community to become lifelong learners.
Proverbs 2:10 - For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will fill you with joy.
Parents perceive the school as an extension of family and they participate fully in school life, for example attendance at Friday worship, the annual Nativity play and also classes and workshops. This has a positive impact on pupil well- being and learning
The focus on the school as a place of equality and inclusivity creates a pupil centred approach to decision making which ensures the progress and emotional well-being of all pupils, particularly the most vulnerable.
Through the core values of love, kindness and perseverance the school provides a nurturing environment in which children grow in confidence and develop a capacity for learning.
The positive relationships between all members of staff are an exemplary model to pupils who treat each other with courtesy and kindness. This creates a very inclusive community in which all children are valued as is evident in the warmth which children with special needs are supported by their peers and members of staff.
The reflection area in the hall enables pupils to appreciate where significant world events are happening and provides opportunities to think about their impact on the lives of others as exemplified by their support of local and international charities.
School leaders ensure that the resources are focussed on the needs of all pupils through a low pupil teacher ratio and the deployment of focused intervention. All pupils make considerable progress between their arrival and the end of key Stage 1.
The school is a ‘place of faith’ in which the distinctly Christian ethos fosters caring relationships……Similarities are emphasised and differences between the two faiths recognised.
These are some statements about our school from our SIAMS inspection in January 2017.
We have a very strong ethos of partnership. Our mission statement is simply "Working Together". We believe that staff, children, families and governors working togther will raise standards and bring success.
Our school values, which have been agreed by the staff and children, are displayed in classrooms and around school as a constant reminder of what we believe in and how we want to behave towards each other. We live by these values. They promote each child's social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
All members of our staff work extremely hard to ensure every child experiences the feeling of success. Children are encouraged to aim for high standards in their work. Similarly members of staff aim for high standards of display and presentation. We work hard to create a positive learning environment.
Children are encouraged to understand that we can all succeed by working together and doing our best; this includes themselves, their families and the staff.
We recognise the important part that the family plays in a child's education. We encourage parental involvement.
Parents are always welcome to come into school and talk to members of staff, before or after school.
There will be opportunities throughout the year to meet with your child's teacher or key worker at Open Evenings and Open Days. We also have a Parents' Evening in the Summer Term when parents can discuss their child's annual report with their teacher.
Various fund-raising events are held during the year, throughout school. We really welcome and need your support.
We do hope that all parents will take these opportunities to come into school to see their children's work and talk to the teachers. Children achieve so much more when parents and teachers work together in partnership.
1. To help each child to gain a sense of achievement and take pride in themselves and their school.
2. To have a happy, stimulating and secure environment.
4. To provide a broad, balanced and creative curriculum that combines excellence in teaching with enjoyment in learning.
5. To create strong, collaborative partnerships with families and the local community.
If your child is over 5 years old and you would like your child to have milk, then you need to register at The cost of this is subsidised at a cost of around £18 per term. If you need any help then you can contact Customer Services on 0800 321 3248, or email at
We have places available in our 2 and 3 year old Nursery. If you would like your child to start please pop into the office for an application form, bringing along your child’s birth certificate.
The online applications for those children in Nursery and will be due to start Reception in September 2025 are now open. This is also the case for the children in Year 2 who will be leaving us in July 2025. You need to apply online through the Kirklees parent portal. Please complete these as soon as possible so your child gets a place in the school you wish them to attend. If you need some help please come and see Razina in the office.